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Preliminary programme:

Friday, 6th November

1-2 pm: Welcome snack

2-5 pm: Pressure chamber meets Kabutze: Open sewing and printing workshop

Sewing and printing everyday masks and bags, pronoun and name tags

2-4 pm: Workshop: Trans* – what is that? (S.O.Ko and Qube)

4-4:30 pm: Coffee break

4:30-6:30 pm: Lecture: Classism – what is that?

followed by: Empowerment Space for people affected by classicism

6:30-8 pm: Dinner

8-10 pm: QueerFilmFest Rostock as guest (all films with audio description)

short films

Sins Invalid: An Unshamed Claim to Beauty in the Face of Invisibility


Saturday, 7th November

10 am-1 pm: Theatre Workshop

11 am-1 pm: Finding our own words_signs_pictures!

An interactive book and project presentation by “beHindert & verRückt Worte_Gebärden_Bilder finden” (“disAbled & mad finding words_signs_images”) with Eliah Lüthi/Akademie der Unvernunft (Academy of Unreason)

1-2 pm: Lunch

2-4 pm: “Ein Leben mit vielen Namen” (“A life with many names”)

A lecture on Trans* in the 80s by Nora Eckert (Berlin)

2:30-6:30 pm: Metal and welding workshop for FLINT* (Kel)

FLINT*: women, lesbians, inter* persons, non-binary persons, trans* persons

4-4:30 pm: Coffee break

4:30-6:30 pm: Let’s not talk about sex: Asexuality and the asexual spectrum

Lecture, Q&A session and exchange in cooperation with AktivistA

6:30-8 pm: Dinner

8-10 pm: Open mic, concert, campfire and photo box

with FaulenzA and other Special Guests


Sunday, 8th November

10 am-2 pm: Cat breakfast (networking brunch)

10-11 am: Yoga for FLINT*

FLINT*: women, lesbians, inter* persons, non-binary persons, trans* persons

12-1:30 pm: Workshop: Queer Anti-Repression

12-4 pm: FLINT*-only graffiti workshop

Graffiti workshop for women, lesbians, inter* persons, non-binary persons, trans* persons

2-4 pm: Lecture: Interventions – from demo to music – who rebels how, and why actually? Critical reflection on forms of social oppression and interventions. (SchwarzRund)

Online lecture with live broadcast at the Questival

4-4:30 pm: Coffee break

4:30-5:30 pm: Radio Ballet Final Performance


Further offers

Chill-out area

Creative space

Reading island

Exhibition “Vor meinem geistigen Auge” (“In my mind’s eye”) with landscape paintings by Maximilian Weihs (Greifswald)


Event descriptions:

Pressure chamber meets Kabutze: Open sewing and printing workshop (Friday, 2-5 pm)

with the open sewing workshop Kabutze and the printing workshop Druckkammer

In this open offer you can print your pronoun and name badge for the Questival from leftover fabric, sew and print a bag for your odds and ends or an everyday mask. Use stencil technique to create your own design or print the Questival motto on your T-shirt.

Workshop: Trans* – what is that? (Friday, 2-4 pm)

with S.O.Ko – queer-feminist workshop collective

In our workshop “Trans* – What is that?” we will focus on the topic of Trans*gender. We will talk about different terms and concepts that people often encounter in this context, different trans* identities and allyship. The workshop is suitable for beginners and has playful elements. Together with the participants, we would like to initiate critical thinking processes on gender in our workshop.

At all our workshops we offer an infobar and a media list with tips for a deeper exploration of the topic.

Lecture: Classism – what is that? (Friday, 4:30-6:30 pm)

Classism seems to be on everyone’s lips in the recent past. What for some people is a new trend term, for others is a denomination that has been used for decades when talking about empowerment and anti-discrimination in relation to “social origin”. In the lecture we will approach the question where the term comes from and why classism is rarely mentioned so far in anti-discrimination contexts.

Following the lecture there will be an Empowerment Space for those affected by classism. In preparation you may have a look at the blog “CLASS MATTERS” (http://clararosa.blogsport.de/). If there are any uncertainties after the lecture about how classism affects you, feel free to contact me. Please do not use the Empowerment Space out of “curiosity”.

The lecture will be held in spoken German language. In the Empowerment Space there will be the possibility of direct interpretation into English. In case of prior notice (up to two weeks before the Questival) the main points of the lecture can be interpreted into English.

QueerFilmFest Rostock as guest (all films with audio description)

(Friday, 8-10 pm)

Sins Invalid: An Unshamed Claim to Beauty in the Face of Invisibility (English with German subtitles)

“There is no right or wrong body in a conscious revolutionary mind” is the beginning of the documentary, which accompanies a collective of performance artists. The collective’s performances capture the lust and desire of people with disabilities and critically examine the prejudices associated with the topic. The documentation focuses on artists who are People of Colour, queer or gender non-conforming.


About QueerFilmFest Rostock

The QueerFilmFest Rostock creates a shared space for the lovers of queer films and adds to Rostock’s cultural diversity. It also draws attention to the fact that people are still discriminated against because of their gender identity, sexual orientation or relationship choices.

The QueerFilmFest Rostock is non-commercial and independent. The festival takes place every year in October on one weekend from Thursday through to Saturday.


Finding our own words_signs_images! (11 am-1 pm)

An interactive book and project presentation by “beHindert & verRückt Worte_Gebärden_Bilder finden” (“disAbled & mad finding words_signs_images”) with Eliah Lüthi/Akademie der Unvernunft (Academy of Unreason)

The starting point of this workshop lecture is the question:

How can stories be told, how can one discover_create one’s own words, signs and images for oneself and the world, if these are perhaps not socially intended, if they are not (wanted to be) heard_seen_perceived?

This was the question raised among three people five years ago at the beHindert & verRückt feiern Parade (“disAbled & mad Pride Parade) in Berlin. In the summer of 2020, a book has been created from this question. On the basis of this book and its barrier-free accompanying project, we will explore some of the connections between dis_abling, un_balancing and queer politics in this workshop_lecture. With questions and small exercises the participants are invited to find their own words_signs_images for themselves and the world.

The project beHindert & verRückt Worte_Gebärden_Bilder finden (“disAbled & mad finding words_signs_images”) consists of a book and a barrier-free accompanying project in audio and sign language. It combines 42 contributions from 28 people who consider themselves disAbled and/or mad, or who are socially constructed in such a way. The contributions describe ways of moving in and through social barriers and prejudices, in humorous, creative, angry, sad and thoughtful manners. They deal with how these barriers and prejudices are related to racism and gender norms. Doing so, they connect in both loving and fierce ways with one’s own being, with nature and the world.

About Eliah: EL is the Academy of Unreason. Eliah loves to un_balance world(s)_view(s)_perspectives – of their own and of others – and to create en_abling spaces through conversations, everyday action, writing, teaching, moving, curating, editing and performing. In 2020 the book “beHindert & verRückt Worte_Gebärden_Bilder finden” (“disAbled & mad finding words_signs_images”), edited by Eliah, was published. Akademie-der-Unvernunft.org

“Ein Leben mit vielen Namen” (“A life with many names”) A lecture on Trans* in the 80s by Nora Eckert (Berlin) (Saturday, 2-4 pm)

37 years ago I was assigned the first name Nora by court order. At that time I had already borne several other names. I would like to use my little name story as an occasion to tell about my experiences with the Transsexuellengesetz or TSG (the German “Transsexuals Act”), which was still very new at that time. The assessments as I experienced them seem like a comedy to me today, so I will tell a comedy. In 1982/83 however (the whole process took a year and a half) I could not laugh about it, because humiliations hurt, but the ridiculousness of my assessors compensates me today.

Metal and welding workshop for FLINT* (2:30-6:30 pm) (Kel)

FLINT*: women, lesbians, inter* persons, non-binary persons, trans* persons

You will get an insight into the basics of metalworking and different welding methods. Maybe you’ll be able to take home an object of your own. If you already have small ideas/questions or the corresponding metal/material/scrap metal – please bring it along! But there will also be material in the workshop.

Please dress appropriately, better no synthetics and shoes as sturdy as possible.

There will be coffee and cake. Yeah!

Participants max. 5.

Please mention on your registration for the Questival if you want to participate in the workshop!

Let’s not talk about sex: Asexuality and the asexual spectrum (4:30-6:30 pm)

Asexuality is a rather unknown and mostly invisible sexual orientation. Although many people have at least heard about it by now, many do not know exactly what it means. Asexuality is often beset with uncertainties, confusion and prejudices – reason enough to finally shed some light on the subject. The lecture gives a basic introduction to important terms and concepts, introduces the diversity of the asexual community, solves the mystery of the relation between sex and love and deals with the challenges for asexual people in our society. Following the lecture there will be an opportunity to ask questions and get into an exchange.

The lecture will take place in cooperation with the association AktivistA.

FLINT*-only graffiti workshop (12-4 pm)

Graffiti workshop for women, lesbians, inter* persons, non-binary persons and trans* persons

You like street art and colourful tags on grey walls? Cans clattering, hissing and that slight euphoria kicking in when a new work of art develops? You always wanted to try spraying, but somehow it never happened or the last bit of courage was lacking? No worries – because now is your chance!

You don’t need any previous knowledge, just some cool ideas and the desire to live out your creativity. We’ll start with a little theory input and with sketching, because before we go to the wall it’s important to create a basis for what we want to paint. If you already have cool sketches at home, please bring them along! There are hardly any limits for us, we can try out everything.

Because that’s also what this workshop is for – we create a free space in which we can support each other, in which we can try out new things together and create something creative: For this reason, cis men (men who were classified as male at birth and also identify with it) are excluded from the workshop, because the graffiti scene is unfortunately still a cis male-dominated place.

Cans, paper and pens are available on site. But you are also welcome to bring your own pencil case. Gloves and face masks will also be provided. Otherwise, come as you please – but remember that your clothes will get dirty very quickly and the colour will not come out.

If you have any questions about the location or the event, please contact us at info [at] bildung-qube.de.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

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